Your personalized plan for a healthy body! - Fit Even

Take a short quiz

Receive a personalized plan for a healthy body!

Choose your gender:

What goal do you want to achieve?

What is your current lifestyle?

If you are unsure, choose the option closest to your situation

Which areas of the body do you find most challenging when losing weight?

You can choose multiple options

How often do you work out?

That's nothing!

Movement is an important part of weight loss, but exercising is not necessary to lose weight!

How much water do you drink on average per day?


Consuming too little water per day can make weight loss much more difficult. It can also cause headaches, dry skin, lack of energy and negatively affect your health.

When the body receives too little water, it begins to store it, which contributes to weight gain.

Advice: try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

If and how often do you drink alcohol?

What do you usually drink during the day?

You can choose multiple options

Do you eat in restaurants?

Do you like and can you eat sweet dishes?

Do you happen to snack on salty snacks? (e.g. chips, crackers, peanuts)

Do you count the calories of the meals you consume?

How many hours on average do you sleep per night?

Do you agree with the following statement?

"I eat healthy for a week or two, but then I go back to my old habits."

Do you agree with the following statement?

"I usually do something while eating (e.g., watch TV, browse the Internet)."

Do you agree with the following statement?

"I usually eat everything on my plate, even when I feel full."

Do you agree with the following statement?

"I have trouble finding clothes that fit me well"

Do you agree with the following statement?

"Cooking gives me pleasure and relaxes me."

Do you have an event coming up in the near future that is important to you?

Did you know that people who prepare for an event that is important to them are as much as 87% more persistent in their resolutions and are more likely to stick to the set plan?

Are there any foods that you need to exclude from your diet?

For example, if you are allergic or you just don't like something.

Type the excluded products above. Skip if you don't want to exclude anything

How many meals a day do you want to eat?

Not only WHAT you eat, but also HOW OFTEN you eat affects your metabolism.

Do you care about repeatability of your meals?

e.g. do you want to eat the same dinner two days in a row

Is it important to you to prepare meals quickly?

Do you want to keep the cost of meals as low as possible?

Does your family have a history of diabetes or heart disease?

Do you experience drops in energy, sleepiness during the day? (especially after a meal)

Do you happen to eat under the influence of emotions (e.g. stress, sadness)?

Do you have (approximately) regular meal times?

How often does food play a role in your social interactions (e.g., meeting friends, family)?

Have you tried weight loss with the help of any of these methods?

Have you tried weight loss with the help of any of these methods?

You can choose multiple options

How long has it been since you were last satisfied with your figure?

How long has it been since you were last satisfied with your figure?

How would you rate your knowledge of healthy eating?

Did you happen to lose weight in the past and then return to your previous state (the so-called yo-yo effect)?

How important is it for you to achieve your dream body?

Imagine yourself at the moment when you have already achieved your dream goal related to nutrition and reaching your desired weight. What do you feel?

We only need your following numbers:

Please enter the correct age in years
Please enter the correct height in centimeters
If you don't know the precise weight, enter your approximate weight
Please enter the correct weight in kilograms
Based on your height, normal body weight is between and kg
Please enter the correct target weight in kilograms

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Calculations and preparation of results are underway


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