How to avoid calorie traps when grilling?
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How to avoid calorie traps when grilling?

Barbecuing is one of our favorite outdoor activities, combining the enjoyment of food and the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. Unfortunately, without proper knowledge and preparation, it can become a calorie trap that will undermine our efforts to maintain a healthy diet. In this article, we will outline how to avoid the most common mistakes and enjoy a tasty yet healthy barbecue.

Choice of meats

The first step to healthy grilling is to make a conscious choice of meats. Prefer lean cuts, such as chicken fillet, turkey, or lean cuts of beef. Avoid fatty sausages and meats with a lot of marinade. Remember that marinades often contain a lot of sugar and salt, which increase the caloric content of the food.

Vegetables on the grill

Don't forget about the vegetables! Grilled vegetables are not only tasty, but also low in calories. Choose a variety of vegetables, such as zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, or eggplant. You can grill them whole, in pieces, or on skewers. You can season the vegetables with herbs and a little olive oil, which will add a unique flavor without the extra calories.

Sauces and additives

Sauces and side dishes can quickly increase the caloric content of your grilled meal. Instead of ready-made sauces full of sugar and preservatives, make your own healthy versions. Use natural ingredients such as natural yogurt, fresh herbs, garlic, or lime. Also avoid ready-made salads with mayonnaise, replacing them with fresh vegetable salads.


Grilling doesn't have to end with the main course. Also desserts can be prepared on the grill, choosing healthy options. Grilled fruits such as pineapple, peaches or bananas are a great idea. These fruits, served with natural yogurt or a small amount of honey, make a delicious and low-calorie dessert.


Grilling doesn't have to be synonymous with high-calorie meals. By choosing lean meats, an abundance of vegetables, preparing healthy sauces and side dishes, and opting for light desserts, we can enjoy a tasty yet healthy meal outdoors. Remember, the key is moderation and a conscious choice of ingredients. Following the above tips will allow you to enjoy the barbecue season without remorse.

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