How to start running? Tips for beginners
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How to start running? Tips for beginners

Why start running?

Running is one of the easiest, cheapest and most effective forms of physical activity. Not only does it help keep us fit, but it also has a positive effect on our mood, mental health and helps fight stress. It is an activity that we can practice almost anywhere and anytime, without requiring expensive equipment or a gym pass.

First steps

Before you start running, it is important to properly prepare for it. Start by choosing the right footwear that will keep you comfortable and protect you from injury. Then, focus on gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts to avoid overload and injury.

Training plan for beginners

The first step for beginner runners should be to establish a realistic training plan. Don't start with overly intense workouts, which can lead to rapid burnout or injury. Ideally, start by alternating walking and running, gradually increasing running time as your fitness improves.

  • Week 1: 1 minute running, 2 minutes walking (repeat 10 times).
  • Week 2: 2 minutes running, 2 minutes walking (repeat 10 times).
  • Week 3: 3 minutes running, 2 minutes walking (repeat 8 times).
  • Week 4: 5 minutes running, 2 minutes walking (repeat 6 times).

The importance of rest and recovery

Rest is as important as training. Regeneration allows our bodies to rest, rebuild and prepare for future efforts. Make sure you include at least one day of total rest in your weekly training plan. Also remember to stay well hydrated and eat a balanced diet to support recovery.

Find the motivation

Motivation is key to keep your workouts regular and your progress steady. Find your "why," set small, achievable goals, and celebrate achieving them. You can also seek inspiration and support from the running community by joining local running groups or attending running events.

Keep your balance

While running can become an important part of your life, it is important to remember to maintain balance. Don't let workouts take over your life completely. Find time for other activities you enjoy, spend time with family and friends, and remember that sometimes the best training is rest.

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