10 food temptations on vacation you must resist
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10 food temptations on vacation you must resist

The vacations are a time of relaxation, rest and.... food temptations that lurk at almost every turn. From street snacks to hearty meals at local restaurants, it's hard to resist. But some of these temptations can have a negative impact on our health and figure. Learn about 10 food temptations to resist during your holiday jaunts so that you return home not only rested, but also in good shape.

1. fried snacks

Fried snacks are a classic of festival menus. While they are tempting with their crunch and intense flavor, they are rich in unhealthy trans fats that can contribute to cholesterol and heart problems. Instead, choose fresh fruits or vegetables sold at local markets.

2. sweet sodas

During hot days at the beach, it's easy to reach for a sugary soda to quickly quench our thirst. However, these drinks are full of empty calories and large amounts of sugar, which is not good for our health or figure. A better choice would be cold water, unsweetened ice tea or freshly squeezed juices.

3. fast food

Fast food may seem like a convenient option when we are on the go or want to satisfy our hunger quickly. Unfortunately, these types of meals are usually high in calories, saturated fat and salt, which is not the best choice for our health. When you feel hungry while sightseeing, look for local snacks rich in protein and fiber.

4. ice temptations

Ice cream is an integral part of the holiday landscape. While you may indulge in a small portion from time to time, regularly indulging in this sweet temptation can contribute to weight gain. Choose water-based ice creams over cream-based ones, and limit additives such as toppings or sugar sprinkles.

5. alcohol calories

The vacations are a time when we indulge in alcohol more often than usual. Cocktails and beers, however, are a source of empty calories that quickly add up without providing any nutritional value. If you want to relax with a drink, choose lighter versions, such as wine with sparkling water (spritzer) or drinks based on clear spirits with fresh fruit.

6. generous portions in restaurants

During the vacations, we often dine in restaurants, where portions can be much larger than we are used to. Instead of automatically finishing your entire plate, listen to the signals your body sends and stop eating when you feel satiated. You might also consider sharing a meal with a traveling companion.

7. salty snacks

Salty snacks, such as chips and nuts, are readily available and may seem like the perfect solution to a little hunger. However, they are high in salt and saturated fat, which is not good for our health. As an alternative, choose unsalted nuts or fresh vegetables with hummus.

8. tempting buffets

Buffets in hotels and on cruise ships offer a huge selection of dishes, from appetizers to desserts. While the temptation to try everything is great, this way of eating can lead to significantly exceeding your daily caloric intake. Focus on portions rich in vegetables, protein and healthy fats, avoiding heavy sauces and sweet desserts.

9. sweet breakfasts

Holiday mornings are often tempting with sweet breakfasts such as pancakes, waffles and pastries. While tasty, they provide a lot of sugar and empty calories, which can lead to a drop in energy throughout the day. Choose breakfasts rich in protein and fiber, such as oatmeal, eggs or whole-grain toast, which will keep you energized for longer.

10. snacks en route

When traveling, it is easy to be tempted by unhealthy snacks that are readily available at gas stations or kiosks. While they can satisfy hunger quickly, they are high in calories and provide no nutritional value. Instead, prepare healthy snacks such as raw vegetables, fruits, nuts or natural yogurts that will give you energy without unnecessary calories.


The vacations are the perfect time to relax and enjoy life, but that doesn't mean we have to completely forget about healthy eating habits. By resisting the temptations of unhealthy food, we will not only stay in shape, but also give ourselves more energy for sightseeing and activity. Remember, the key is moderation and conscious choices that will allow you to enjoy your vacation without remorse.

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