Healthy fats in the diet - which ones to choose to support weight loss?
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Healthy dietary fats - the key to successful weight loss

There are many myths in the world of diets and weight loss, and one of the most widespread is the belief that fats are the number one enemy. Meanwhile, healthy fats play a key role in our bodies, affecting not only our well-being, but also the effectiveness of the weight loss process. In this article, we'll take a look at what fats should be in our diet to support our efforts to achieve our dream figure.

Why are fats important?

Fats are one of the main macronutrients in our diet, along with proteins and carbohydrates. They perform many important functions, such as providing energy, assisting in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and building cell membranes. What's more, healthy fats can help improve the blood lipid profile, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

Which fats to choose?

The key to a healthy diet is to choose the right fats. There are mainly two types: saturated and unsaturated. It is the latter, unsaturated, that should dominate our diet. They are a source of essential fatty acids, such as omega-3 and omega-6, which our body cannot produce on its own.

  • Avocado - rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, supports heart health.
  • Nuts and seeds - a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, protein, fiber and vitamins and minerals.
  • Olive oil - an excellent source of antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids.
  • Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) - rich in omega-3 fatty acids, supporting brain and heart health.

Healthy fats and weight loss

Including healthy fats in your diet can bring significant benefits during weight loss. These fats are more filling than carbohydrates, which can help control appetite and reduce calorie intake. In addition, healthy fats improve metabolism, which is key to weight loss.

How do you incorporate healthy fats into your diet?

Incorporating healthy fats into your diet doesn't have to be difficult. Start with small changes, such as adding avocados to salads, eating a handful of nuts as a snack, or swapping butter for olive oil. It's also important to pay attention to portions - although healthy fats are beneficial, they are also caloric.

  • Add avocado to sandwiches and salads.
  • Choose oily fish as a source of protein.
  • Use olive oil as a salad dressing.
  • Snack on nuts and seeds instead of sweets.


Healthy fats are an essential component of a balanced diet and can significantly support weight loss. By choosing the right sources of fats and controlling their portions, we can enjoy tasty yet nutritious meals that will help us achieve our health and aesthetic goals. Remember that balance and moderation are key, and healthy fats should be part of a varied diet.

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