Healthy fats vs. weight loss: how does it work?
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Healthy fats vs. weight loss: how does it work?

There is a long-held belief that fats are the enemy of any weight-loss diet. However, newer scientific studies are debunking this myth, showing that healthy fats are not only essential for our bodies, but can also aid weight loss. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how healthy fats affect our bodies and why they should be present in the diet of any person aiming to lose weight.

What are healthy fats?

Healthy fats, also known as unsaturated fats, are a group of fats that have beneficial effects on our health. These mainly include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can be found in foods such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are crucial for many metabolic processes, including the proper functioning of the heart and brain.

Healthy fats and weight loss

Although it may seem contradictory, consuming healthy fats can actually help with weight loss. These fats are more filling than carbohydrates, which means that we feel full longer after consuming them. This allows us to reduce our overall calorie intake, which is key to successful weight loss. In addition, healthy fats boost metabolism, increasing calorie burning.

How do you incorporate healthy fats into your diet?

Incorporating healthy fats into your diet doesn't have to be difficult. Here are some simple ways to do it: swap fatty meats for omega-3-rich fish such as salmon or mackerel; use olive oil as a salad dressing instead of mayonnaise-based sauces; add avocado to sandwiches and salads; and reach for a handful of nuts or seeds as a healthy snack between meals.

  • Swap fatty meats for omega-3 rich fish
  • Using olive oil as a salad dressing
  • Adding avocados to sandwiches and salads
  • Reaching for nuts and seeds as a healthy snack

Potential pitfalls

Despite the many benefits, there are also pitfalls associated with consuming fats, even healthy ones. The key issue is moderation. Fats are very caloric, so excessive consumption can lead to weight gain. It is important to control portions and remember that healthy fats should be only one part of a balanced diet.


Healthy fats can be a valuable ally in the fight against excessive pounds. Their skillful inclusion in the diet can help not only to lose weight, but also to improve overall health. However, remember to moderate and diversify your meals to get the most benefit from them. Make healthy fats a part of your conscious diet, not just a temporary trend.

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