Snacks for people on a diet: tasty options with low calorie content
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Snacks for people on a diet: tasty options with low calorie content

Finding tasty snacks that are also low in calories can seem like a challenge, especially for those on a diet or trying to live a healthier lifestyle. We often associate dieting with giving up favorite flavors and limiting ourselves to monotonous meals. Fortunately, with the right knowledge and ingenuity, you can enjoy delicious and healthy snacks without worrying about excess calories. In this article, we present snacks that will please your palate and help you maintain your line.

Vegetables and hummus

Vegetables are some of the healthiest snacks we can choose. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, yet low in calories. Sliced carrots, cucumber, bell peppers or celery go well with hummus. This combination will not only satisfy your craving for crunch, but also provide your body with valuable nutrients. Hummus, rich in protein and healthy fats, further increases the nutritional value of this snack.

Fruit with natural yogurt

Fresh fruit is another great option for those looking for tasty yet low-calorie snacks. Combining fruit with natural yogurt will not only satisfy your need for sweet, but also provide your body with a serving of protein, calcium and probiotics. Choose yogurts without added sugar to enjoy a healthy snack. In addition, you can sprinkle the fruit dessert with chia seeds or almond flakes, which will further enrich the nutritional value.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats, protein and fiber. They are more caloric than other snacks, so it is important to consume them in moderation. A handful of mixed nuts or seeds can be a quick and nutritious snack that will give you energy and help satisfy your hunger. Try to choose nuts and seeds without added salt or sugar to maximize their health benefits.

Vegetable crisps

Vegetable crisps are a tasty alternative to traditional chips. You can buy them at the store or prepare them yourself at home. Vegetables such as beet, sweet potato or parsnip, cut into thin slices and baked until crispy, make a great snack rich in nutrients. Homemade vegetable crisps are not only a healthier choice, but you can also experiment with different seasonings, allowing you to customize the flavor to suit your preferences.


Smoothies are another great option for people on a diet looking for tasty and low-calorie snacks. By combining your favorite fruits with vegetables, you can create a drink full of vitamins and minerals. Adding protein sources such as yogurt, chia or plant protein to your smoothie will give you a filling snack that will help you last until your next meal. Remember not to add sugar or sweeteners, and instead use the natural sweetness of the fruit.


When choosing low-calorie snacks, you don't have to sacrifice taste or variety. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetable crisps and smoothies are just a few examples of healthy snacks that can add variety to your diet and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Remember that moderation and conscious choices are the key to success, allowing you to enjoy your favorite flavors without remorse.

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