Saving calories at parties: Choosing alcohol with a conscious diet
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Saving calories at parties: Choosing alcohol with a conscious diet

Social events and special occasions often involve the consumption of alcohol, which can be a challenge for those consciously controlling their diet and calories. Choosing the right type of alcohol, however, can significantly reduce the amount of calories consumed while allowing you to enjoy the fun without guilt. In this article, we'll outline how to make smart decisions about alcohol at parties so you don't sabotage your dietary efforts.

The basics of alcohol caloric content

Understanding how alcohol affects our bodies and its caloric values is key to making informed choices. Alcohol (ethanol) contains about 7 kcal per gram, making it quite caloric. By comparison, proteins and carbohydrates contain about 4 kcal per gram, and fats contain about 9 kcal. Importantly, calories from alcohol are "empty" calories, as they do not provide nutritional value to the body.

Choosing alcohol with lower calories

The key to reducing calories when drinking alcohol is to choose lower-calorie drinks. Here are some examples that can help you make an informed choice:

  • Dry white or red wine - about 80-90 kcal per 100 ml
  • Light beer - about 30-50 kcal per 100 ml
  • Shot of pure vodka - about 70 kcal
  • Champagne - about 85 kcal per 100 ml

Avoiding high-calorie traps

When choosing alcoholic beverages, it is also worth remembering to avoid high-calorie traps. Sweetened drinks, cocktails with added syrups, creams or fruit juices can significantly increase the amount of calories consumed. When choosing cocktails, it's best to opt for those prepared on the basis of pure alcohol with the addition of low-calorie mixers, such as sparkling water or light tonic.

Practical tips

Here are some practical tips on how to reduce calories when drinking alcohol without sacrificing pleasure:

  • Always start with a large glass of water to minimize the risk of dehydration and reduce the amount of alcohol consumed.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, which can lead to faster absorption of alcohol and higher calorie intake.
  • Choose drinks served in smaller quantities, which allows you to better control the amount.
  • Instead of sugary cocktails, choose simple mixes such as gin and light tonic or vodka and soda.


Saving calories at parties doesn't have to mean giving up alcohol. The key is to consciously choose lower-calorie drinks and avoid high-calorie traps. By keeping the basics in mind and using practical tips, you can enjoy social gatherings without worrying about excess calories. Let conscious choice of alcohol become part of your healthy lifestyle.

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