What to eat in the summer to support your weight loss goals?
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What to eat in the summer to support your weight loss goals?

Summer is the perfect time to focus on your health and weight loss goals. The days are longer and nature abounds with fresh produce that can support our efforts to get in better shape. But with so many options, it can be difficult to decide exactly what we should be eating to support our weight loss goals. In this article, we'll take a look at what foods are best to eat in the summer to help ourselves achieve healthy weight loss.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Summer abounds with a wide variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables, which are not only tasty, but also low in calories and full of vitamins and minerals. Eating seasonal produce such as strawberries, raspberries, zucchini and tomatoes can help satisfy hunger without reaching for high-calorie snacks. In addition, the abundance of fiber in fruits and vegetables supports digestion and gives you a feeling of satiety for longer, which is crucial when losing weight.

Light salads

Salads are another great choice for summer meals. They are easy to prepare, filling, yet light and low in calories. The key to preparing a salad that supports weight loss is to choose the right ingredients. The base is a variety of lettuce leaves, to which we can add fresh vegetables, sources of healthy fats like avocado or nuts, and protein in the form of grilled chicken or tofu. Such a composition will not only provide the necessary nutrients, but will also help keep you feeling satiated for a longer period of time.


Hydration is a key part of any diet, especially in summer, when our bodies lose more fluids. Instead of reaching for sweetened drinks, which can contain a lot of empty calories, opt for water, unsweetened herbal teas or freshly squeezed juices. Adding fresh fruits such as lemon, lime or mint to your water will not only enrich its taste, but also help keep you hydrated.

Grilled foods

Grilling is one of the favorite summer activities that can also be healthy. By choosing lean meats such as chicken, fish or vegetables for grilling, we can enjoy tasty meals without adding a lot of fat. Grilled foods retain most of their nutrients, and the addition of herbs and spices makes them full of flavor. However, remember to avoid ready-made marinades and sauces, which often contain a lot of sugar and salt.


Summer offers us countless opportunities to prepare healthy and delicious meals that can support our weight loss goals. The key is to choose fresh, seasonal produce, stay properly hydrated and prefer food preparation methods that do not require the addition of a lot of fat. By keeping these principles in mind, we can enjoy the summer and work on our figure at the same time.

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