How not to get fat on vacation? Simple nutritional tricks
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How not to get fat on vacation? Simple nutritional tricks

Vacations are a time for relaxation, rest and often.... culinary debauchery. Restaurants with exotic dishes, street food full of flavor, and moments of relaxation with a drink on the beach - all these contribute to the holiday atmosphere, but can also be a trap for our weight. How to enjoy the vacations without worrying about extra pounds? Here are some simple diet tricks to help you stay in shape.

Plan your meals

Meal planning is the key to success. Try to plan most of your meals in advance, especially if you know you have a day full of trips and activities ahead of you. Choose foods rich in protein and fiber that will keep you feeling satiated longer. Fruits, vegetables, nuts or yogurts are great snacks that are easy to pack.

Choose local specialties in moderation

Of course, vacations are also the time to try new local foods. You don't have to give them up, but do so in moderation. Choose smaller portions and try to keep most of your meals balanced. If you eat a heavier dish for lunch, try to make dinner lighter and rich in vegetables.

Drink plenty of water

Water is your best friend, especially on hot days. We often mistake thirst for hunger, so before you reach for a snack, try drinking a glass of water. This will not only help you avoid unnecessary calories, but also keep your body properly hydrated.

Be physically active

The vacations are the perfect time to be more physically active. Walking on the beach, swimming in the sea or lake, or even hiking regularly can significantly increase your daily calorie requirements, allowing you more flexibility in your diet. You don't have to spend hours at the gym to stay in shape.

Limit alcohol

Although a holiday drink at sunset sounds tempting, alcohol is full of empty calories that easily add up. If you don't want to give up alcohol completely, choose lighter versions of drinks, such as wine diluted with sparkling water, which will provide fewer calories.

Listen to your body

Finally, the most important rule - listen to your body. Eat when you are hungry, but try not to overeat. The vacations are not only a time to explore new flavors, but also an opportunity to learn to better understand the signals sent by our body. Mindfulness in eating will help you enjoy every bite without remorse.


The vacations don't have to mean weight gain if you approach the subject head-on. Simple changes in eating habits and physical activity can make a big difference. Remember that balance and moderation are key, and the vacations are the perfect opportunity to practice both. Enjoy your food and have a great vacation!

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