Dietitian's advice: how to eat healthy while barbecuing
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Dietitian's advice: how to eat healthy while barbecuing

Barbecuing is one of the favorite pastimes of Poles, especially during the warm summer months. It is not only a great opportunity to get together with family and friends, but also a great way to prepare tasty and healthy dishes. Contrary to popular belief, grilling does not have to mean hard to digest and fatty meats. Nutritionists stress that with the right approach and choice of products, we can enjoy healthy dishes without excess calories and harmful substances. In this article, we will present practical tips on how to eat healthy while grilling.

Product selection

The first and most important step to healthy grilling is a conscious choice of products. Instead of traditional sausages and fatty cuts of meat, go for lean sources of protein, such as chicken, turkey, fish, as well as a variety of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and asparagus are perfect for grilling and are rich in vitamins and minerals. Fruits such as pineapple, peaches or bananas can become a delicious and healthy dessert.

Spices and marinades

Another element that can significantly affect the health aspects of grilled foods is spices and marinades. Instead of ready-made seasoning mixes with high salt and preservatives, it's a good idea to prepare your own using natural herbs and spices. Great additions are garlic, rosemary, thyme, oregano or basil, which will not only enrich the taste of the food, but also provide valuable nutrients. You can use olive oil, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar to marinate meats and vegetables, which will add depth of flavor to the dish without adding unhealthy fats.

Grilling technique

Grilling technique also has a significant impact on the nutritional and health values of the food being prepared. To avoid the formation of harmful substances such as benzopyrenes, it is important not to burn the food and not to use fat for grilling. Meat and vegetables are best grilled on the grill or in special baskets, which avoids direct contact with the fire. In addition, it is a good idea to use aluminum foil or baking paper, which not only makes it easier to clean the grill, but also helps preserve the juiciness and flavor of the food being prepared.

Portions and extras

Proper portion size is another important aspect of healthy grilling. Instead of serving large quantities of food, it is better to focus on smaller, balanced portions that contain both protein, vegetables and healthy fats. Fresh salads are great as accompaniments to grilled dishes, which not only add lightness, but also enrich the meal with additional vitamins and minerals. Avoiding heavy sauces and mayonnaise in favor of lighter dressings based on yogurt or olive oil can also help reduce the caloric content of meals.


Grilling can be not only enjoyable, but also healthy, provided we keep in mind a few important rules. By choosing lean meat, plenty of vegetables and fruits, seasoning dishes with natural herbs and spices, and using proper grilling techniques, we can enjoy tasty and light dishes. We should also remember to moderate quantities and choose healthy side dishes. With these tips, grilling will not only become an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors, but also a way to introduce healthy eating habits into our lives.

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