Avoiding calorie traps at holiday parties
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Avoiding calorie traps at holiday parties

The vacations are a time for relaxation, getting together with family and friends and.... often calorie traps that lurk at every turn. Holiday parties are full of delicious temptations that can effectively thwart our plans for healthy eating. So how can we enjoy summer gatherings without worrying about extra pounds? Here are some proven ways to avoid calorie traps at holiday parties.

1. don't go to the party hungry

One of the most common mistakes is going to a holiday party on an empty stomach. When we are hungry, everything seems tastier, and our ability to make healthy decisions decreases significantly. Eat a light, healthy meal before you leave home so you don't give in to the temptation to eat everything that appears on the holiday table.

2. choose wisely

Parties often feature a wide variety of dishes and snacks, making it easy to be tempted to try them. However, instead of reaching for everything, try to choose dishes that are healthier and lower in calories. For example, instead of heavy, fatty meats, choose grilled vegetables, fish or lean meat. Also pay attention to side dishes - salads are a great choice, as long as they are not 'drowned' in mayonnaise or other heavy sauces.

3. control portions

Controlling portion sizes is key to maintaining a healthy diet, especially at parties, where it's easy to lose control over the amount of food you eat. Instead of layering yourself with a full plate of a variety of foods, focus on smaller portions. This will allow you to enjoy a variety of flavors without overdoing it on calories.

4. watch out for drinks

Beverages are an often-overlooked item that can significantly increase the amount of calories consumed. Alcohol, sugary cocktails and sodas are high in calories. Choose water, unsweetened herbal infusions or water with fresh fruit. If you can't imagine a party without a glass of wine, try to keep the amount to a minimum.

5. don't forget to move

Holiday parties aren't just about eating and drinking, but also a great opportunity for physical activity. Dancing, team games or even a walk in the garden are great ways to burn extra calories. Physical activity will not only help you maintain your weight, but will also have a positive effect on your mood.


Avoiding calorie traps at holiday parties requires awareness and the ability to make healthy decisions. You don't have to give up fun and tasty foods to maintain a healthy diet. Remember to choose wisely, control portions, watch out for caloric beverages and don't forget to exercise. These simple rules will help you enjoy your holiday parties without worrying about extra pounds.

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