Which alcohols to choose on a diet? A guide to low-calorie options
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Which alcohols to choose on a diet? A guide to low-calorie options

While most of us are aware that alcohol is not the best choice when dieting, it is sometimes difficult to completely give up alcohol consumption during social gatherings or the occasional outing. Fortunately, there are options that allow us to enjoy the moment without overtaxing our diets. In this guide, we'll focus on low-calorie alcohols that you can incorporate into your menu without sabotaging your efforts to maintain or achieve your dream figure.

Understanding the calories in alcohol

Before going into specific recommendations, it is worth understanding where calories come from in alcohol. The main source of calories in alcoholic beverages is ethanol, which provides about 7 calories per gram. Added to this are calories from sugar and other additives, which can significantly increase the energy value of the drink. Therefore, the key to choosing low-calorie options is to pay attention not only to the alcohol content, but also to additives that can increase the calorie count.

The best low-calorie spirits

When choosing alcohol on a diet, it's a good idea to focus on those that offer fewer calories while maintaining tasting pleasure. Here are some options to consider:

  • Dry white or red wine - contains about 80-90 calories per 100 ml, making it a good choice for those concerned about the line.
  • Light beer - although beer is generally not the most caloric drink, light versions can contain up to 30-50% fewer calories than standard beers.
  • A shot of pure vodka, gin, rum, tequila or whiskey - each of these spirits provides about 64 calories per 30 ml, making them among the least caloric options.
  • Champagne - 100 ml of champagne is about 85 calories, making it an excellent choice for special occasions.

Tips on how to drink smart and healthy

When choosing low-calorie spirits, also keep in mind a few rules that will help you control your calorie intake while drinking:

  • Avoid sweet mixers - drinks such as tonic, fruit juices and sodas can significantly increase the number of calories in your drink.
  • Drink plenty of water - this will not only help reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, but also prevent dehydration.
  • Choose simple drinks - the fewer ingredients in your drink, the easier it is to control its caloric content.
  • Don't drink on an empty stomach - consuming alcohol on an empty stomach can lead to faster absorption of alcohol and increased appetite.

Healthy snacks for alcohol

If you plan to consume alcohol, it's also worth considering healthy snacks to help you avoid snacking on high-calorie foods. Here are some suggestions:

  • Vegetables with hummus - crunchy vegetables such as carrots, celery and peppers are an excellent source of fiber and are low in calories.
  • Nuts - although they are caloric, they provide healthy fats, protein and fiber, which helps keep you feeling satiated.
  • Fruits - fresh or dried fruits can make a sweet but healthy snack for alcohol.
  • Vegetable chips - an alternative to traditional chips, can be prepared at home with minimal oil.


When choosing alcohol on a diet, it is crucial to pay attention to the caloric content of the options and to skillfully combine them with healthy snacks. Remember that moderation and a conscious approach to alcohol consumption can help you enjoy your social life without worrying about being overweight. By choosing low-calorie spirits and following the above tips, you can more easily control your diet and enjoy every moment without sacrificing the pleasure of alcohol.

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